Logan Tozer has been found alive.
According to his mother Jenn Tozer, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) found the 18-year-old in a burnt out building on George Street in Havelock Wednesday morning. She told The Examiner he has been taken to the Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) for observation.
“I am overjoyed. It is an amazing feeling,” she said.
Tozer took to social media for help in locating her son who has high functioning autism.
“From the bottom of my heart, I am so thankful for the community support,” she said.
“It means the world to me.”
As the days became shorter and colder and without any signs of Logan, she said admits she was starting to think the worst. She’s overwhelmed that she can tell his brothers and sisters Logan is safe.
“I am shaking,” she explained.
“This makes me so happy.”