In an unfortunate turn of events, the family of Michael Dunahee, a young boy who went missing over 30 years ago, has issued a warning about an impersonator who has been reaching out to the public, claiming to be Michael.
The Dunahee family, with the help of police, are diligently addressing this matter and urge the public to exercise caution.
Dunahee’s story is one that has touched the hearts of countless people around the world.
On March 24th, 1991, four-year-old Michael mysteriously disappeared from a playground in Victoria. Despite extensive searches, Michael has never been found, leaving his family in perpetual agony and uncertainty.
The Dunahee family recently took to social media, specifically Facebook, to alert the public about an individual who has been falsely claiming to be Michael.
“Some of you may have noticed some posts or been contacted directly by a fellow recently claiming to be Michael. We can confirm he is not,” read a post on a Facebook memorial group for Michael.