Rajesh John has been located deceased. Our sincerest condolences go out to Rajesh's family and friends.
Kennedy LITKE-BRUNELLE and Chloe COTE have been located safe. Thank you to the public and media for your assistance.
Stratford Police with the assistance of the Ontario Provincial Police and York Regional Police have located missing 11 year old...
Dawson Romeo was located deceased this afternoon near the area he was last seen on July 29. His family has...
Owen and Susan Konski have been located. Thank you for helping by sharing the message.
Owen and Susan Konski have been located. Thank you for helping by sharing the message.
48 year old Dawn Walker and her 7 year old son Vincent Jansen were reported missing yesterday evening when friends...
Missing man Brandon Tucker, who was last seen departing his Gander home on foot on the morning of July 8,...
Great news to share as Lily O’Mahony has been located safe and sound! Thank you to everyone for your assistance....
The man and child that were reported missing in Abercrombie, have been located by Pictou County District RCMP. Both were...
Update: Monday, May 16, 2:23 p.m. - Police say they have located the missing girls.
t is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beautiful Tatyanna Marie Harrison....